December 2017 Newsletter

Posted on: January 22, 2018
Category: News

Letter from our Founder and CEO
With less than a month to go for Christmas, it feels as if 2017 was a flash! For some, a flash of lightning and they wish 2018 would come sooner, for others a flash of inspiration, new beginnings and exciting times.
For The Wellness Centre Trust, it has been a combination of the above. We have learnt so much this year through our success and failures. However, we are very excited to implement new strategies in 2018. We are continuously learning how to do what we do better and more effectively.“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” – Henry FordThe Wellness Centre Trust and our volunteers will be taking a well-deserved break from the middle of December and will be back in action from the middle ofJanuary.
I would like to thank each and every one of our supporters and to wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.Keep smiling, keep shining and we will see you next year.

Warm regards,



Jerome, homeless and 25 years old, is one of our candidates who has shown us he is a hard-working and ambitious young man. A couple of weeks ago we asked for your help to fund Jerome’s dream, to become a licensed forklift driver. With his diploma, he will be able to apply for an official job position and hopefully earn a decent salary.
Thanks to the support of Floortje Vening and Martijn Tausch from the Trageschule The Netherlands, we were able to fund the 6-day training for Jerome plus accommodation with 3 meals a day!
Above is a picture of Jerome during his practice training that week.
We are delighted to announce that he passedwith 96% and we are currently looking into job opportunities for Jerome.


On Sunday the 26th November The Wellness Centre Trust candidates and some of their children received a Christmas lunch and food parcels. These were donated by the Nelis van Dril Stichting from the Netherlands and their facilitator here in Durban, Liesbeth Nicolai. We would like to thank Liesbeth for her generosity. Everyone was so happy and thoroughly enjoyed their lunch and treats. A BIG THANK YOU!

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